Saturday, November 1, 2008

Feeling Safe (and more about Taxis)

You are very safe in Sharjah......classic example this morning:
I jumped in a taxi to go to the Sharjah Museum of Archaelogy. As ever the Driver's english was bad, but in this caese it seemed worse than usual like "none at all". I soon realised that gesticulating at a map, or trying to explain or pointing at Tourist guide. However he did understand left and right so off we set.
He was immediately on his phone, talking to someone. he tried to expalin he didn't understand but the only thing I could understand was "car not work". upon which he dived off the main road into one of Sharjah's Industrial areas. It is hard to explain what an Industrial area is like without sounding arrogant and western, but let's say it's very 3rd world slum like, no proper roads, with business packed, many people living and working together in abject squalor but in a very sandy environment.
So we are bumping along, the man talking in his phone and I have to admit all my alarm bells. Suddenly the taxi ground to halt and when I asked he said he was waiting for a man......I am now in a cold sweat.... Then another uniformed taxi driver appeared and dived in the back. I began weighing up my options
However the second man, with a big beaming smile, explained his friend had called him because he spoke good english. We were soon crashing our way (at one point the track got really muddy there was huge puddle of water twice the width of the track) of the industrial area and found the museum 10 mins later.

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